Sorin Oprescu Reelected Mayor Of Bucharest – Official

Sorin Oprescu has been reelected Mayor of Bucharest, with 54.79% of the votes cast Sunday, while the runner-up, PDL deputy Silviu Prigoana, got 17.12% of the ballot, according to the final results of the official count, announced Wednesday by the electoral bureau.


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Sorin Oprescu Reelected Mayor Of Bucharest – Official

Oprescu received 430,512 votes, compared with Prigoana's 134,552.

Prigoana won a seat on Bucharest's General Council, having also run on PDL's list for the city's legislative body.

In the General Council, USL won 37 of the 55 seats, PDL won 11 seats and PPDD won seven seats.

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