The critical phase of the restructuring of the Slovenian paper mill Vipap Videm Krško

The critical phase of the restructuring of the Slovenian paper mill Vipap Videm Krško is coming to a successful end and the company is currently resuming production.

One of the largest manufacturing companies in Slovenia, Vipap Videm Krško paper mills, is now entering a crucial part of the compulsory settlement process with its creditors and starting production of products for the pre-Christmas market.

The success of the formal completion of the process depends on the approval of the plan by the secured creditors and the decision of the Municipal Court of Krško.

The proceedings, initiated in September at the request of the mill's largest secured creditor, the Czech company VIPAP CZ, have allowed Vipap Videm Krško to go through debt restructuring and a review of operating costs and to prepare to resume production with a new product portfolio.


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