Sustainable Growth Under Free Mkt Conditions, Sol To Crisis - Ctrl Bk Official

The solution to the current financial crisis would be a sustainable economic growth, which is possible only under free market conditions, while the international interventionist trend would restrict the private players’ freedom, also in Romania, according to central bank adviser Lucian Croitoru.

4 afișări

The excessive government measures that use the public funds would restrict the markets freedom, Croitoru said Tuesday, during the seminar "Mediafax Talks about Business Solutions to Crisis."

According to the central bank’s adviser, the current financial crisis points out that certain things are no longer good and should be abandoned, so that governments should also undertake the disappearance of certain structures.

Croitoru explained that, although certain sectors disappear naturally according to industrial cycles, governments tend to rescue these entities, especially when there are many jobs involved.

The bank’s official said the population has even come to believe that the main problem for prosperity is the inexistence of government's intervention, when "things are exactly the opposite".

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