EU Welcomes Any Initiative To Improve Romania's Regional Fund Absorption

The European Commission said Tuesday that any initiative to improve Romania's absorption of regional funds is welcome.


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EU Welcomes Any Initiative To Improve Romania's Regional Fund Absorption

"We welcomed any initiative to improve the uptake of regional funds and the coordination of the funds," Commission spokesman Ton Van Lierop told MEDIAFAX.

People close to the matter said earlier that the Commission wants a politically-appointed official, like a minister, placed in charge of the horizontal management of European fund absorption. This official would not take over the ministerial EU fund management authorities, but may be responsible for auctions or negotiations on fund allocations for the next period.

A number of ruling coalition members have said there have been talks on creating a ministry of European affairs for some time, but no decision has yet been taken.

In a Government meeting on June 8, President Traian Basescu asked the ministers to think whether they can still be members of the Cabinet after June 30, in case data on the first half of the year indicates poor EU fund absorption and low investments in the fields they manage.

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