Former Anticorruption Chief Laura Codruta Kovesi Challenges Her Dismissal From Office At ECHR

The former chief prosecutor of Romania’s National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), Laura Codruta Kovesi, announced on Tuesday that she challenged the decision which led to her dismissal from office at the European Court of Human Rights, citing human rights violations.


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Former Anticorruption Chief Laura Codruta Kovesi Challenges Her Dismissal From Office At ECHR

According to the former DNA chief, the decree signed by President Klaus Iohannis last year, issued in accordance with a Constitutional Court ruling on the matter, violated several rights established by the European Convention on Human Rights. The challenge was filed in December 2018.

“The reasons I included in the challenge regarded the fact that, through its decision, the Constitutional Court decided my dismissal from office, although I was not formally a part of the conflict solved by the constitutional tribunal, I was never summoned for a hearing by the Constitutional Court and I did not even have at least the capacity to intervene and express a point of view in my defense,” Kovesi announced in a response issued by the press bureau of the General Prosecutor’s Office.

The former chief prosecutor added that the court’s decision could not be contested in any manner internally by its nature, thus denying her an appeal.

Kovesi was dismissed from office by President Klaus Iohannis in July 2018, who was forced by the Constitutional Court to heed the recommendation of Justice Minister Tudorel Toader on the matter, despite initially refusing the latter’s proposal to dismiss her.


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