Judicial Inspectorate Deputy Chief Favorite To Lead Magistrate Investigation Section

The deputy-chief inspector of Romania’s Judicial Inspectorate, Gheorghe Stan, obtained the highest score in Thursday’s interviews for the office of chief of the recently-founded magistrate investigation section, with top judicial watchdog CSM set to vote on confirming his appointment.


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Judicial Inspectorate Deputy Chief Favorite To Lead Magistrate Investigation Section

Stan received a 9.33 grade for his interview in front of a CSM committee, with his only opponent, Florena Sterschi, receiving an 8.33 score.

In the interview, the magistrate said that the section’s biggest threats were a number of specific media campaigns targeting the newly-founded institution, but also the high frequency of legal amendments.

The section was launched on October 23, after it was established through a judicial bill brought forth by the ruling PSD-ALDE coalition. It took over all criminal cases involving magistrates, which were previously judged by the National Anticorruption Directorate.

The establishment of the section was criticized both internally and internationally, with the Venice Commission recommending lawmakers to scrap the structure, over concerns of its impact on the independence of magistrates.


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