Parliament: PM Will Represent Romania In European Council On June 28

Romania's Parliament on Tuesday adopted a declaration by ruling alliance USL, which says the Prime Minister will represent Romania in the European Council on June 28.


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Parliament: PM Will Represent Romania In European Council On June 28

According to the declaration, the Parliament must be informed beforehand about the European Council's agenda, to set a mandate in principle for Romania's representative. The legislature must also be informed about the decisions taken in the Council.

Furthermore, the declaration says representation responsibilities in the area of European affairs shall be distributed thus: in matters of military policy and security, as well as the European Union's common foreign policy, the President shall generally represent Romania; in economic, social, budgetary matters or those related to EU funds or the Schengen Area, as well as other executive aspects, the Prime Minister shall have precedence in speaking for Romania.

The declaration concludes that the Parliament believes the Prime Minister should represent Romania in the Council on June 28, since the agenda concerns the EU's economic situation, certain economic and social measures, and continuing negotiations on the future financial period.

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