Romania, Belgium Sign Agreement To Modernize Bucharest's Main Railway Station

Romanian Transport Minister Anca Boagiu and Belgian state secretary for Mobility Etienne Schouppe on Thursday signed a memorandum for cooperation in transport, concerning, among others, the modernization of Bucharest's Gara de Nord train station.


Imaginea articolului Romania, Belgium Sign Agreement To Modernize Bucharest's Main Railway Station

Romania, Belgium Sign Agreement To Modernize Bucharest's Main Railway Station

The memorandum was signed in the presence of Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc and his Belgian counterpart Yves Leterme.

The act provides procedures for cooperation in projects for the modernization, rehabilitation and expansion of transport infrastructure in Bucharest, including the north train station.

Boc said Gara de Nord is the most important railway station among the Romanian sections of pan-European railway transport corridors IV and IX, and urged Belgian businesspeople to continue to invest in Romania.

Leterme said he met with representatives of 25 Belgian businesses operating in Romania, who want to expand, despite certain problems.

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