Romania Needs EUR100M To Finish Bucharest-Ploiesti Highway

Romania’s Transport Ministry needs EUR100 million to finish the last segment of a highway linking capital Bucharest to the nearby city of Ploiesti, which was supposed to be finished this year but was moved to end 2011.


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Romania Needs EUR100M To Finish Bucharest-Ploiesti Highway

"The Bucharest-Ploiesti was supposed to be finished this year, but we couldn't because of lack of funds. We'll assign the necessary money in the 2011 budget," state secretary Eusebiu Pistru said Thursday during the MEDIAFAX talks about Transport & Logistics seminar.

He added constructors are currently working at a slower pace because the ministry cannot afford to pay.

The ministry says 60% of the highway has been completed so far.

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