Romania’s Parliament Adopts Stray Dog Bill

Romania’s Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday adopted with 168 votes in favor, 111 votes against and 14 abstentions a bill on stray dogs.


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Romania’s Parliament Adopts Stray Dog Bill

The adoption of the bill had been postponed several times.

Social democrat Aura Vasile proposed that the bill should be again sent back to the lower house's administration committee. Her proposition was rejected by the plenum.

On September 14, the public administration committee drew up a new report on the bill, and decided local authorities may take any measure concerning stray dogs, including euthanize them, only after they consult the citizens.

In June, the lower house decided to postpone a final vote on the bill and send it back to the administration committee for a new report, after it had adopted the articles of the draft act.

Administration committee president Sulfina Barbu said in April local authorities would decide whether to neuter stray dogs and return them to the streets or euthanize them, after keeping dogs in pounds for 30 days for adoption. Barbu said at that time only gravely ill, aggressive and old dogs would be euthanized.

The Chamber of Deputies had the final say on this bill.

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