Romanian Chess Grandmaster Hits Two People During Chess Federation Meeting

Romanian chess international grandmaster Elisabeta Polihroniade hit two people at a meeting of the Romanian Chess Federation, which is electing a new president.


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Romanian Chess Grandmaster Hits Two People During Chess Federation Meeting

Dan Pasarelu, head of the CS Siciliana international chess festival, said Polihroniade approached him saying she wants to have a talk and slapped him across the face and then turned on journalist Viorel Sima, whom she hit with a mobile phone.

"Sima taped the incident with his mobile phone and wanted to show it to her but she snatched the phone from his hand, scratched him and threw it in his face. She denied everything and went back inside saying I had hit her. A TV crew also filmed the incident," Pasarelu said.
Sima said he is considering suing Polihroniade.

"She stuck her fingernail in my hand. She took my phone and wouldn't return it. I asked her to give it back for about two or three minutes and then she threw it to my face and hurt my upper lip. I've been a journalist for 17 years and I've covered boxing and other dangerous sports but I never thought something like this would ever happen at a chess event," Sima said, adding he is considering suing the 75-year-old international grandmaster.

Polihroniade was not immediately available for comment.

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