Romanian Clunkers Program Available For Electric Car Buyers Starting Next Week

Romania’s 2011 edition of the cash for clunkers program will also be available, starting next week, for those who want to buy electric vehicles, Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said Thursday.

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Romanian Clunkers Program Available For Electric Car Buyers Starting Next Week

According to the minister, people who want to buy electric cars through the program will receive six vouchers amounting to over EUR5,000 in return for a used car.

Borbely said the ministry will help those who want to buy electric vehicles by paying up to a quarter of the price for an electric car, but no more than EUR5,000, even if they have no old cars to scrap.

Early April, Borbely met with officials of France's Renault, which owns Romanian carmaker Dacia, and discussed ways for authorities to encourage the sale of electric vehicles.


Borbely said back then the Government could encourage the sale of electric vehicles by subsidizing car purchases for public institutions and through the cash for clunkers program. The ministry is planning to pay up to a quarter of the price for an electric vehicle.

"The price difference between an electric car and a regular one with similar capacities is of about EUR5,000, so we thought institutions that have old cars they wish to scrap within the clunkers program could get six vouchers per clunker and buy electric cars instead," said Borbely.

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