Romanian Died In Austria Likely Over Complications Caused By AH1N1 Flu – Press

A Romanian national died in a hospital in Schwarzach, Austria, of a heart attack most likely due to complication caused by the A H1N1 virus, Austrian television Oe24 said on its website Wednesday.


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Romanian Died In Austria Likely Over Complications Caused By AH1N1 Flu – Press

The Romanian was working in Austria since March, the webisite reported.

"The patient's health evolution was unfavorable. Vomiting caused him to dehydrate," said regional director of health services in Salzburg, Christoph Koenig, adding complications led to respiratory insufficiency which affected the patient's lungs and heart.

The death announced Wednesday is the second registered in Austria since the AH1N1 pandemic started.

Romania's Foreign Affairs Ministry said Wednesday the Romanian Embassy to Vienna is working with Austrian health authorities to establish whether the man who died in Austria of the AH1N1 flu is Romanian.

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