Romanian Politician Nati Meir Investigated For Fraud

Romanian politician Nati Meir, who recently backed out of the presidential race, was detained Monday evening on charges of fraud.


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Romanian Politician Nati Meir Investigated For Fraud

Somebody filed a complaint against Meir on Monday, accusing the latter of lending fake banknotes of EUR500.

On Monday evening, organized crime squads found two fake banknotes in Meir's office, following search operations.

Meir was taken to the department fighting organized crime and heard by the prosecutors investigating the case. Prosecutors will propose judges on Tuesday to issue preventive arrest warrant for Meir.

Meir, who said inherited over $2 billion from a relative in the USA whose identity was never disclosed, was found guilty in numberless cases of fraud in Tel Aviv and Haifa, Israel, in the 1980s and 1990s.

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