Romanian President Basescu Calls For EU Program For Roma Inclusion

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Saturday at a seminar in Baile Tusnad, central Romania, that the social inclusion of Roma people is not only a Romanian or Hungarian issue and called for a European project towards this end.

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Romanian President Basescu Calls For EU Program For Roma Inclusion

"A project of interest to Romania and Hungary is Roma integration. I know we don't like to talk openly on this subject, but it is no longer a national issue of Romania or Hungary, or of any other country hosting this minority on its territory," said Basescu.

The President added that in 2008 he succeeded in getting the European Commission to develop a Union-wide strategy for Roma inclusion. "Unfortunately, there were some member states that later blocked this project and today they complain that Romania does not stop Roma from entering their countries. Roma are European citizens too!" said Basescu, restating the need for a EU program to assist the Roma minority.


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