Romanian Presidential Adviser Says Schengen Accession Expectations Must Be Cautious

Romanian presidential adviser Leonard Orban said Wednesday that Romania’s expectations regarding its accession to the Schengen Area must be “extremely cautious”.


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Romanian Presidential Adviser Says Schengen Accession Expectations Must Be Cautious

A gradual accession to Schengen is the most Romania will get, Orban said at a meeting with Romanian diplomats.

He highlighted that "reinforcing the Schengen governance is in our best interest."

Romania's Prime Minister Emil Boc on Wednesday said he expects the decisions the European Union will take in September will ensure the country's "full accession" to the Schengen Area in 2012.

"Romania has met the technical requirements to join Schengen. We must also be sufficiently persuasive to counterbalance the subjective or political reserves still shown by some of our European partners," said Boc.

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