Romanian Sea Coast Hotel Operators Forced To Stay Open Throughout Summer Season

Operators in the Romanian tourism industry will have to keep accommodation units on the Black Sea shore open throughout the entire summer season, from May 1 to October 1, and rehabilitate the units, the Government decided in a Cabinet meeting Sunday.


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Romanian Sea Coast Hotel Operators Forced To Stay Open Throughout Summer Season

The provisions have been introduced in the country's tourism law, approved by the Government Sunday and sent to Parliament to be debated with urgency, said Tourism Minster Elena Udrea.

She said the ministry will get its own system to more accurately keep track of the number of tourists staying in Romania because there are major differences between the number of tourist reported by different institutions and numbers reported by tourist accommodation units.

Beach administration and maintenance will be exclusively the attribution of local hotel operators and the law introduces a 1% hotel tax, half of which will go to local authorities and the rest will be used for tourist development projects.

Romania's tourism law regulates the creation of tourist parks, tourism associations and the creation of an institution promoting tourism.

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