Romanian Senate Committee Rejects Bill Forcing Radios To Play Romanian Music

Romania’s Senate committee for culture on Tuesday recommended that the plenum reject a bill that would force local radio stations to play Romanian music for 40% of their music playing air time.


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Romanian Senate Committee Rejects Bill Forcing Radios To Play Romanian Music

The committee voted five to one to reject the bill, which is to be debated by the Senate in plenary.

Social democrat MP Victor Socaciu, a popular folk singer who initiated the bill, said the committee said this bill could work on public media outlets but private radios should not have their editorial content regulated by law.

The bill was adopted tacitly early November 2010 by the Chamber of Deputies.

The bill amends the country's audiovisual law and would oblige local radio and music television stations to play Romanian music for 40% of air time.

The bill has to be passed by the Senate to become law.

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