Romanian Social Democrats Want Two-Chamber Parliament, Compulsory Voting

Romania's leftist Social Democratic Party president Victor Ponta said Thursday he wants the country’s revised Constitution to provide for compulsory voting and a two-chamber Parliament.

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Romanian Social Democrats Want Two-Chamber Parliament, Compulsory Voting

Ponta also said he supports limiting the number of deputies to 300, in accordance with last year's referendum, but stated that his party is against eliminating the Senate, as it is required under the Lisbon Treaty.

"It is clear the majority wants a Chamber to have 300 members, but we also want an upper chamber, to represent local communities, elected by local and county councilors," Ponta said.

The social democrat leader said he wants the new Constitution to forbid MPs from moving between parties. He also said he will fight for the implementation of compulsory voting, arguing it is a way to "remove the danger of manipulation."


The Romanian Parliament's standing offices Monday rejected the proposition of the Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) regarding the setting up of a committee to revise the Constitution, as liberal and social democrat lawmakers voted against the initiative.

Romanians were polled in a national referendum on November 21, 2009 and the majority voted to make the country's Parliament single-chamber and reduce the number of lawmakers to maximum 300 from the current 471.

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