Romanian Union Leaders Not Required To Declare Wealth – Draft Integrity Agency Law

The draft law on Romania’s National Integrity Agency, proposed by the Government, no longer compels trade union leaders to declare their wealth, a requirement which is distinctly stipulated in the current law.


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Romanian Union Leaders Not Required To Declare Wealth – Draft Integrity Agency Law

According to the Government's draft, the obligation to declare one's wealth and interests applies to high officials, including the head of state, ministers, lawmakers, judges, prosecutors and members of state bodies such as the Constitutional Court, Court of Accounts or National Securities Commission.

It also applies to the public television and radio companies' board members, the heads of Romania's secret services and their deputies, central bank high officials and any other person with management and control duties in public institutions.

The Government's draft no longer makes distinct mention of this requirement applying to trade union federation and confederation presidents, vice-presidents, secretaries and treasurers, unlike the current law.

In February, the leaders of union federations affiliated with "Cartel Alfa" notified the Romanian Ombudsman. The confederation announced it would file a complaint with the World Labor Organization regarding the law's provision that union federation leaders must present wealth and interest statements.

Deputies in the Committee for legal matters are discussing the draft law regulating the activity of the National Integrity Agency and will prepare a report to be debated in a plenary meeting of the Chamber of Deputies.

Romania's integrity agency, a EU-backed public anticorruption body, has been stripped of its main attributions in screening public officials wealth and interest statements and recommending prosecution for wrongdoing, following a Constitutional Court ruling. The Court found the integrity agency's law unconstitutional, as it breaches the right to privacy and does not apply the presumption of innocence to those investigated.

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