Ruling Party: European Commission Should Clarify How It Gathers CVM Report Data

Romania’s ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) requested the European Commission on Monday to clarify the manner in which it obtains the data used to prepare its yearly Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) reports for the country.


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Ruling Party: European Commission Should Clarify How It Gathers CVM Report Data

The group said that its request comes in wake of a number of Romanian magistrate associations expressing concerns with what they called “false statements” in the reports, according to a post on the party’s official Facebook page.

“A rigorous clarification should me bade regarding the gathering of data used to prepare CVM reports which, in the opinion of magistrate associations, allowed for errors/inacurracies/truncated sentences to slip in, which can only bring disservice for judicial independence,” the party said.

The Cooperation and Verification Mechanism was instated by the EU following the accession of Romania and Bulgaria in 2007, to monitor their progress on issues such as rule of law, fight against corruption and judicial independence.


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