Russian Envoy To Bucharest Declared Persona Non Grata By Romanian Authorities

A Russian envoy to Bucharest was declared persona non grata by Romanian authorities and has 48 hours to leave the country, Romania’s Foreign Affairs Ministry said Tuesday.


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Russian Envoy To Bucharest Declared Persona Non Grata By Romanian Authorities

According to the ministry, the decision to expel the Russian envoy follows similar measures taken by Russia against Romanian diplomat to Moscow Gabriel Grecu accused of attempting to obtain military secrets.

The ministry said Grecu will return to Romania within the 48-hour deadline set by Russian authorities. It also stressed in a press release that, by arresting Grecu, Russian authorities breached the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations.

Grecu was accused of attempting to obtain military secrets and was arrested by Russian special services on Monday.

According to security agency FSB, cited by Interfax, Grecu was in possession of "spy gear," which pointed to "hostile activity against Russia" and an investigation is underway.

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