The appeal to the sentence filed by Liviu Dragnea at the Bucharest Tribunal, judged on 18 February

The appeal against the prison sentence filed by Liviu Dragnea at the Bucharest Tribunal, which had a trial set for Wednesday, has been postponed to 18 February, as the lawyer of the former PSD leader could not appear in court due to medical issues.


Imaginea articolului The appeal to the sentence filed by Liviu Dragnea at the Bucharest Tribunal, judged on 18 February

The appeal to the sentence filed by Liviu Dragnea, judged on 18 February

The prison sentence challenge, an extraordinary way of appeal used by Dragnea to try to get out of prison, was due on Wednesday. The chosen defender of Liviu Dragnea could not attend the Bucharest Tribunal, invoking medical reasons, which is why the file was postponed until 18 February.

Liviu Dragnea has been in prison since May 2019, after being sentenced to three and a half years for a fictional employment at Teleorman Child Protection Directorate.

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