“The Concert” By Romanian-Born Radu Mihaileanu Wins A César For Best Musical Score

“The Concert” by Romanian-born French film director and screenwriter Radu Mihaileanu was awarded a César for best sound and best musical score, in a ceremony that took place Saturday at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris.

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“The Concert” By Romanian-Born Radu Mihaileanu Wins A César For Best Musical Score

The film's winning musical score was composed by Armand Amar. "The Concert" received six nominations at the César Awards, including one for best film.

Radu Mihaileanu was also nominated for the French film awards in 1999 for the screenplay of "Train of Life", and in 2006 the Romanian-born director won a César for best original screenplay for "Live and Become".

The César Awards are the French equivalent of the Oscars.

The dramatic comedy "The Concert", which had its Romanian premiere on November 20, 2009, revolves around Andrei Filipov, conductor of the Bolshoi Theater orchestra and the greatest conductor in the Soviet Union, fired at the peak of his career because he refused to part ways with his Jewish musicians. Thirty years later, Filipov is still working at the Bolshoi Theater, but as a janitor, when, one night, while cleaning the office of the director, he steals a fax reading that the Russian orchestra was invited to play in Paris, at the famous Pleyel hall. Thus, he calls his former colleagues and they decide to pass as the members of the Bolshoi Orchestra.


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