Transport Minister Says Sibiu-Pitesti Highway Costs More Due to Expropriations

Romanian transport minister Razvan Cuc explained Friday the total cost to build the 123 km highway linking Sibiu to Pitesti is EUR2.6 billion plus VAT, higher than in the transport master plan, due to expropriations.

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Transport Minister Says Sibiu-Pitesti Highway Costs More Due to Expropriations

Public debate ensued after a draft act on the transport ministry's website placed the total cost of the highway at EUR3.34 billion, double compared with estimates in the transport master plan adopted last year, which estimated investments of EUR1.6-1.8 billion for the road.

“A feasibility study was done in 2008 and the total cost of this investment, according to the study, is EUR2.6 billion, net of VAT. That is the full cost, which includes expropriations and several other costs related to the construction of this highway,” said Cuc.


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