Unions At Romanian ArcelorMittal Galati To Hold Strike On Mar 10

Four trade unions at Romanian steel processor ArcelorMittal Galati on Friday announced a general strike starting March 10, displeased with the proposed 8% wage hike countering their 18% demand.


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Unions At Romanian ArcelorMittal Galati To Hold Strike On Mar 10

The four unions refused to sign the collective labor contract with the plant and they will hold a warning strike on March 2, followed by a general strike on March 10.

Other unionist demands include the 50% increase of Saturday-work bonuses and the doubling of the Sunday-work bonuses, as well as the increase of bonuses received on Christmas and on Steel Worker's Day from 120 lei (EUR1=RON4.2139) to RON200.

Company officials said the 8% increase is their final offer, adding no salaries can be hiked in any way as long as unionists maintain a state of legal conflict.

ArcelorMittal Galati reduced its loss to EUR10 million last year, from EUR200 million in 2009, chief executive Thierry Le Gall said Wednesday.

The company is owned by international steel giant ArcelorMittal, whose other operations in Romania included another steel plant in Hunedoara, two pipe plants in Iasi and Roman, harbor operator Romportmet Galati and construction company ArcelorMittal Construction.

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