Vinci-Aktor Construction Group May Drop Romanian Hwy Segment Contract

The Vinci-Aktor consortium, winner of the auction for the construction of the Romanian Comarnic-Brasov highway, may drop the concession contract because the group lacks financing for the EUR1.5 billion project, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.


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Vinci-Aktor Construction Group May Drop Romanian Hwy Segment Contract

The sources said that in the event the group does drop the contract, an analysis will determine whether the project needs changes, whether concession is still feasible and when the auction could be held again.

Romanian Transport Minister Radu Berceanu, the president of French group Vinci and a representative of Greek company Aktor signed, on January 18, the lease contract for the Comarnic-Brasov highway segment, a project due to be completed in January 2014.

At the time, Berceanu said the European Investment Bank (EIB) is interested in financing the project. However, EIB vice-president Mathias Kollatz-Ahnen said in March that negotiations had not started, adding that such projects are large, complex and not easily financed in the current context.

This project is Romania's first lease-based highway construction contract. Work on the 55-kilometer highway segment will cost Romania EUR4.8 billion.

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