2Performant completes the first stage of the capital increase operation and attracts over RON 4.2

2Performant completes the first stage of the capital increase operation and attracts over 4.2 million lei

The technology company 2Performant, the leader of the affiliate marketing market in Romania, listed on BSE’s AeRO market (stock symbol 2P), announces that it has completed the first stage of its capital increase operation. At the end of this stage, 80.38% of the total offer have been subscribed and funds worth over 4.2 million lei have been attracted. The shares were subscribed based on the 2PR01 preference rights at the subscription price of 28.2764 lei per share. The company is now preparing for the second stage of the capital increase, namely the private placement, which will take place between August 5 and 18, with the possibility of early closure.


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