B2B platform of Applegate and Visable providers forge strategic partnership of UK-based businesses

Applegate and Visable: B2B platform providers forge strategic partnership to strengthen international trade of UK-based businesses

Paris / Hamburg / Barnstaple, 22 September 2021 – Visable, the parent company of Europe’s leading online B2B platforms EUROPAGES and wlw (formerly "Wer liefert was"), and Applegate, the premier B2B marketplace in the United Kingdom, have entered into an exclusive partnership. As the official reselling partner in the UK, Applegate is able to offer listings and additional online marketing services on EUROPAGES and wlw alongside its own AI-based sourcing platform. As a result, companies in the UK benefit from greater visibility on the web to promote their products and services to procurement professionals across Europe.

The goal of the partnership is to maximise British companies’ visibility on the web and to boost international trade by making their portfolios available to purchasers in 15 languages.

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