Bertrandt sets the course for the future on the Management Board

Bertrandt sets the course for the future on the Management Board

Continuity on the Management Board of Bertrandt AG. Michael Lücke (Member of the Management Board - Sales) and Markus Ruf (Member of the Management Board - Finance) have been confirmed in their positions and have been appointed for a further five years. The position of Member of the Management Board (Technology) will be taken over by Dr Andreas Fink as of April 1, 2023. Hans-Gerd Claus, who has been a Member of the Management Board for many years, is leaving the Board at his own request.

The Supervisory Board of Bertrandt AG has appointed the long-serving Management Board members Michael Lücke (Sales) and Markus Ruf (Finance) for a further five years until November 5, 2028.

Management Board member Hans-Gerd Claus (Technology) will leave the Management Board of Bertrandt AG at his own request on March 31, 2023. His contract will expire on November 5, 2023. Chairman of the Supervisory Board Dietmar Bichler said: "I would like to thank Hans-Gerd Claus, also on behalf of the Supervisory Board, for his achievements in his more than 20 years of service at Bertrandt and especially in the last ten years as a Member of the Management Board. We very much regret his departure and wish him all the best for the future."

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