Wishlist: What PR professionals want from journalists

Wishlist: What PR professionals want from journalists

Fairness in collaboration, greater care in investigative reporting and reliability with respect to agreements are German PR professionals' three most important wishes from journalists. dpa subsidiary news aktuell and Faktenkontor have surveyed professionals and managers on what they would like from journalists. Almost 990 communications professionals participated in the PR-Trendmonitor. It found that fair play between communicators and journalists was at the top of the wishlist: Almost half of those surveyed said that fair collaboration was the most important (49 per cent). The desire for greater journalistic care in investigative reporting was second (48 per cent). Almost as important for the PR professionals was that they are able to rely on agreements made with media representatives (47 per cent).

Citeşte comunicatul integral la adresa: http://comunicate.mediafax.biz/Pages/Public/Comunicate.aspx?comunicatId=12908

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