A ship sank in the Black Sea, off Constanţa Port. Two others died and a third is missing

A ship under the Comoros Islands flag, having 13 people on board, sank off Port of Constanţa. The first ship to answer the SOS call managed to save 10 sailors. Two others died and a third is missing.


Imaginea articolului A ship sank in the Black Sea, off Constanţa Port. Two others died and a third is missing

A ship sank in the Black Sea, off Constanţa Port. Two others died and a third is missing

"At 04:40 in the morning, GSP Falcon received an emergency message from the ship Volgo Balt 179. The rescue operation started without delay, in extremely difficult weather conditions, 50 km / h wind and waves of 4 meters. The last message sent by "Volgo Balt 179" was to abandon the ship. So far 10 sailors have been rescued. They are safely on board the GSP Falcon. Two people died. At the same time, another person is being searched in the sea. The commander of GSP Falcon, Victor Marina, leads the rescue operations. The position communicated by Volgo Balt 179 at the moment of SOS: 76 miles off, in the Black Sea", announced the representatives of GSP, the company that owns the GSP Falcon ship.

A ship sank on Thursday in the Black Sea, about 100 kilometers off the Romanian coast.

The first information shows that the sailors jumped into the water to save themselves.

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