Arms Trafficker Shimon Naor To Be Extradited To Romania To Serve Prison Time

Businessman Shimon Naor was arrested in Paris and will be extradited to Romania where he will serve 11 years in prison for arms trafficking, Romanian Police spokesperson, Raluca Seucan, told MEDIAFAX Saturday.


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Arms Trafficker Shimon Naor To Be Extradited To Romania To Serve Prison Time

Seucan said Interpol Paris notified Interpol Bucharest that Simen Herscovici, known as Shimon Naor, was arrested Friday. Seucan added the Romanian Police notified the Bucharest Court and the Romanian Justice Ministry in view of setting off procedures for Naor's extradition.

Naor, 60, with dual Romanian and Israeli citizenship, is internationally wanted since 2006 when the Bucharest Court sentenced him to 11 years in prison for smuggling.

Romanian judicial authorities sent Saturday to French counterpart, via Interpol Bucharest, the translation of the European arrest warrant issued in Naor's name.

Naor is accused that, as business associate at a commercial company, he forged several transport documents, alongside other three people, in order to obtain licenses for export of arms and ammunition to embargoed countries.

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