Bucharest Stock Exchange General Manager Resigns

The general manager of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB.RO), Anca Dumitru, resigned her position Thursday and will be replaced by Valentin Ionescu starting September 27, Dumitru told MEDIAFAX.


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Bucharest Stock Exchange General Manager Resigns

"I took up this position on an interim basis, and now, since there is someone more suitable for this position, I step down. Nobody forced me out. The managing board members decided to offer me a deputy general manager position, and I accepted," Dumitru said.

Ionescu, 38, is one of the brokers involved in the launch of warrants on Fondul Proprietatea stock on the Vienna bourse. He has experience on the Bucharest, Prague and Vienna bourses, as well as a history with several investment banks and brokerage firms, including Euroinvest Bank AG Viena and Wood & Company Financial Services a.s.

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