Cannabis, Most Wanted Drug In Europe – Report

Cannabis is the most used illegal drug in Europe, some 70 million European citizens stating that they have tried it at least once in their life, while 23 million people said they used cannabis in the past year, according to the annual report on the drug situation in Europe, presented in Bucharest.


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Cannabis, Most Wanted Drug In Europe – Report

According to the report, most EU citizens use cannabis, while 7,000 to 8,000 people die every year, overdoses being the main cause.
"Death by overdose is not the only health risk for users. Studies indicate a high mortality rate, regardless of the cause, mainly among problematic drug users, up to ten times higher than the rate registered in the general population. Therefore, if we want to significantly reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with chronic drug consumption, we need a more comprehensive strategy to treat the mental as well as physical health problems of problematic drug users," said the report.
In just one month, over 13 million European citizens said they used cannabis.
"After a high level of cannabis consumption in the 90s, the latest data indicates that the cannabis consumption stabilized or dropped in several countries. Among top ranking countries, Spain registers more stable consumption rates, or decreasing ones, while in the Czech Republic, France and Great Britain, they dropped by 3-4 percentage points," said the report.
According to the data presented in Bucharest, cannabis consumption levels are hiking among young people, up to the age of 34, in Hungary, Slovakia and Norway.
Regarding requests for rehab, against cannabis consumption, they have tripled on a European level, between 1999 and 2005.

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