EU Grants RON515M For 45 Romanian Investment Projects

Some 45 Romanian companies in several sectors of activity will receive non-reimbursable financing worth a total 515.3 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2878) for investment projects, through the “Increase of Economic Competitiveness” sectoral operational program, the Economy Ministry said Monday.


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EU Grants RON515M For 45 Romanian Investment Projects

The second round of the program was targeted to large companies, the ministry said in a statement.

The list of large local companies that will obtain non-reimbursable funds includes aluminum producer Alro Slatina (ALR.RO) - RON17.1 million, carmaker Automobile Dacia - RON20 million, consumer goods maker Henkel Romania - RON12 million, paper and cardboard maker Vrancart (VNC.RO) - RON12.3 million and pharmaceutical company Antibiotice Iasi (ATB.RO) - RON17.9 million.

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