EU Regional Policy Commission: Eurozone Accession Should Improve Standard Of Living

The EU Commissioner for regional policy, Corina Cretu, said on Monday that Romania’s accession to Eurozone is an “aspiration which should be followed”, as improvements in both standard of living and economic growth should be her country’s main objectives following the accession.

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EU Regional Policy Commission: Eurozone Accession Should Improve Standard Of Living

“I believe that the most important thing is that a country is prepared to accede to the Eurozone (…) It is an aspiration which should be followed both through the cohesion policy and through EU policies of reducing disparities between regions and states, between north and south, between east and west. It’s important that Eurozone accession improves the standard of living,” the EU commissioner said on Monday.

When asked if the country is ready to accede to the Eurozone, the European commissioner only commented that Romania’s economy is currently growing and that national experts would be better suited to offer that analysis.

Romanian Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici confirmed in December 2018 that Romania intends to propose a 2024 deadline for adopting the European currency.

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