Former Prime Minister Quits Ruling Party, Joins Pro Romania

Former Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Tudose announced on Tuesday that he resigned from the country’s ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) and will join the Pro Romania party, led by another former PM, Victor Ponta.


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Former Prime Minister Quits Ruling Party, Joins Pro Romania

The former chief of cabinet motivated his decision by accusing the current PSD leadership of using personal agendas to dictate the country’s agenda.

“For 27 years I have been a PSD member and spared no expense to do good for the people, to honor the trust of those who voted for me. Even through the hardest moments PSD has faced, I had the hope that things will head towards a better direction. Today, this hope disappeared after I observed with sadness that, throughout the last year, a part of the current party leadership replaced public agenda with their personal agendas, that any attempts towards dialogue and internal debate regarding the real problems of Romania are ignored,” Tudose wrote on his official Facebook page.

The former prime minister also said that attempts to bring democracy into political decisions taken by the party are destined to fail, due to the current party leadership.

Tudose was known lately as one of the party’s rebels, publicly supporting a failed September 2018 attempt to dismiss party leader Liviu Dragnea.

The former PSD Braila leader served as prime minister between June 2017 and January 2018, resigning following disagreements with the party leadership.

Pro Romania previously also recruited former Defense Minister Adrian Tutuianu, who was excluded by the ruling party last year following the emergence of recording in which he criticized the PSD leadership.

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