GfK: Nearly Half of Romanians Want to Get Loans in Next 6 Months

Around 44% of Romanians intend to get a loan in the next six months and just 8% are completely certain they won't resort to this financing option, according to a poll by GfK, ordered by International Personal Finance which owns Provident Financial Romania.


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GfK: Nearly Half of Romanians Want to Get Loans in Next 6 Months

On a global level, only Mexico is ahead of Romania, with 48% people intending to get loans in the next six months. In Europe, Romania's 44% compares with 37% of people in Poland, 24% in Czech Republic, 16% in Hungary, 14% in Lithuania, and 11% in Spain.

For Romanians, top reasons to seeks a loan are home improvement - 47%, car acquisition - 44%, electronics and household appliances - 41%, healthcare expenses - 41% and unforeseen expenses – 37%.

Six out of ten Romanian allot 10% to 30% of their monthly income to paying back active loans, compared with 56% in Hungary in Poland, 55% in Spain and 51% in Czech Republic. On the other hand, respondents in Romania are more cautious and only 2% of them allot over 60% of their income to active loans, compared with 3%in Poland and 8% in Lithuania.

Eight in ten Romanians are comfortable with paying loan installments, comparable to the situation in Czech Republic. On the other hand, just 60% of Lithuanians are comfortable paying back a loan. Also, eight in ten Romanians said they had no problems paying their installments in time, compared with 86% in Czech Republic and 69% in Hungary.

The poll was conducted in October on a sample of 3,500 respondents in seven countries: Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Mexico, Poland, Romania, and Spain.

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