Lower Chamber Interim Leader Challenges Supreme Court Corruption Panels at Constitutional Court

The deputy chairman of Romania’s Lower Chamber, Florin Iordache, filed a notification with the Constitutional Court claiming a judicial conflict between the Parliament and the country’s Supreme Court regarding the use of specialized panels for corruption cases.


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Lower Chamber Interim Leader Challenges Supreme Court Corruption Panels at Constitutional Court

Iordache, who was delegated the attributions of chairman Liviu Dragnea for the previous week after the later was hospitalized with back pain, told MEDIAFAX that the Supreme Court did not establish judge panels specialized for corruption as the law expires.

The challenge was filed on Friday, with his delegation as interim chamber leade having expired on Sunday.

Chamber chairman Liviu Dragnea is directly concerned with the potential results of the challenge, as his lawyers also requested the annulment of a prison sentence he received in 2018 on the basis that the Supreme Court panel was not specialized for corruption cases.

Dragnea’s lawyers filed a request to restart the initial trial with an adequate judge panel.

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