Marcel Ciolacu on Şerban Nicolae's candidacy for the Senate leadership: A surprise is possible

The acting PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu has said on Wednesday evening that a political decision should be made regarding the candidacy of Şerban Nicolae for the Senate leadership. A surprise is possible, said the social-democratic leader.


Imaginea articolului Marcel Ciolacu on Şerban Nicolae's candidacy for the Senate leadership: A surprise is possible

Marcel Ciolacu on Şerban Nicolae's candidacy for the Senate leadership

Marcel Ciolacu, the acting president of the Social-Democratic Party (PSD), says a decision to support senator Şerban Nicolae will be taken by the Executive committee.

"A surprise is possible. We have to make a political decision which should meet the citizens expectations", Ciolacu told Digi24.

Şerban Nicolae was selected by the group of PSD senators to run for the Senate chairman position.

The Senate chairman position remained vacant after the Constitutional Court announced in February that the election of Theodor Meleşcanu had been unconstitutional, so he resigned. Meleşcanu had been elected on September 10, 2019, on the PSD proposal. As a result of his election as head of the Senate, with the support of the PSD, the former foreign minister was excluded from ALDE.

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