New Romanian Govt To Allocate Average Subsidy Of RON1.500 Per Hectare For Farmers

Romanian farmers will be granted an annual average subsidy worth 1,500 lei (EUR1=RON3.9389) per hectare, and the state will subsidize 30% of loans taken for production, according to the 2009-2012 agenda of the country’s new center-left government.


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New Romanian Govt To Allocate Average Subsidy Of RON1.500 Per Hectare For Farmers

Thus, the new government will create a unitary system for accessing and guaranteeing loans for production, for which the state will assign up to 30% of the loan value, as well as in teh case of investment loans.

The future government plans to encourage the growth of exports of food and farming products by creating an efficient IT system with respect for the foreign market and by sustaining and promoting Romanian brands.

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