Notary Fees For Bucharest Apartment Transactions Dn 30%-40% In 2010

The notary fees for transactions with Bucharest apartment would decrease by 30%-40% this year, due to the downfall of the real estate market, according to the informative value guidebook of real estates for 2010.


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Notary Fees For Bucharest Apartment Transactions Dn 30%-40% In 2010

Notaries update the guidebook once a year, establishing the informative values of residential, commercial, and industrial properties, based on the transactions carried out in the previous year and the estimation of real estate market evolution.

As of 2007, natural persons pay different taxes for incomes coming from real estate transactions, based on the value of the property and the ownership period.

The taxes are computed at the informative value if the buyer and the seller announce a lower transaction price.

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