Orban, about coronavirus: We are adopting a decree for stocks. I have found nothing in the reserves

The Government will adopt a normative act on Tuesday for making the necessary stocks on all categories of materials in order to prevent the coronavirus, Ludovic Orban has announced. The prime minister has added that the PSD Government had not left the necessary money in the reserve fund.


Imaginea articolului Orban, about coronavirus: We are adopting a decree for stocks. I have found nothing in the reserves

Orban, about coronavirus

"The emergency command centre has met. We have also had to provide isolation measures for the situation of coronavirus cases. This plan will be implemented immediately. We are discussing the introduction of quarantine and taking all the necessary measures. I have found nothing in the state reserves. We will make the purchase immediately. On Tuesday, we will adopt a normative act that will allow the necessary stocks to be made on all categories of materials, of substances to ensure first and foremost the prevention", has said Ludovic Orban in the Parliament.

To date, over 360 people, mostly in China, have died from coronavirus infection. At the same time, over 17.000 people have been infected with this virus.

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