President: No Peace With The Government, Relations With Ruling Party At A Historical Low

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday, at an informal meeting with the media, that he will collaborate with the country’s Government only on European affairs and that there will be “no type of peace” on conflicts regarding internal issues.


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President: No Peace With The Government, Relations With Ruling Party At A Historical Low

“There will be no type of peace with the Government. I will be careful to collaborate only on European affairs,” said the Romanian president.

The head of state also said that he will not let Prime Minister Viorica Dancila attend European Council meetings, not even for the duration of Romania’s EU Council presidency (January-June 2019).

He added that his collaboration with the ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) reached a “historical low”.

“My collaboration with PSD reached a historical low. I am very dissatisfied (…) The collaboration was reduced to nothing,” Iohannis concluded.

The president has been highly critical about most of the Government’s recent plans, including new fiscal measures and a decree for amnesty and pardoning, while also refusing to replace two cabinet offices proposed by PM Dancila in a November cabinet reshuffle.


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