President Of Romania’s Lottery Dismissed

Liliana Minca was dismissed from the positions of president and general manager of the Romanian Lottery, and Gheorghe Benea was designated by the Democratic Liberal Party to replace her, sources within the Finance Ministry told MEDIAFAX.


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President Of Romania’s Lottery Dismissed

Minca took over the state-owned company in March 2006, after Nicolae Cristea was dismissed.

According to the by-laws of the Lottery, the General Shareholders’ Meeting appoints and dismisses the members of the Board of Directors and sets their salaries. The lottery is led by the Board of Directors, and one of the members is appointed by order of the finance minister to fill the position of president.

Sources within the Democratic Liberal Party told MEDIAFAX last week that the party designated Gheorghe Benea to chair the Lottery board. He he is also manager of the company Metalurgica Transilvana based in Aiud.

Benea ran for a seat in Senate in a constituency in Cluj, north-western Romania, and lost in the November elections to his liberal opponent, Marius Nicoara.

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