Romania, Hungary To Cooperate In Agriculture Sector

Romania and Hungary want to intensify sanitary and veterinary checkups on animal and foodstuffs bilateral trade, with a view to reducing smuggling, Agriculture Minister Mihail Dumitru said Tuesday, after a meeting with his Hungarian counterpart Sandor Fazekas.


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Romania, Hungary To Cooperate In Agriculture Sector

Talks between the two officials also focused on possible cooperation to promote the two countries' traditional products.

Dumitru said Romania and Hungary cooperate so that in the future Common Agriculture Policy the matter of the promotion of traditional products would be more thoroughly discussed.

The two countries are also looking to set up a workgroup to tackle problems in the fishing sector, said the Romanian minister, adding they also want to cooperate in the animal husbandry and food safety sectors.

Dumitru highlighted he wants to ease the process by which owners of small farms receive sanitary and veterinary licenses.

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