Romania’s ’09 Wine Production Seen Up 13% On Yr

Romania’s wine production might total 6 million hectoliters in 2009, up 13% compared with 5.3 million hectoliters a year before, according to the ONIV industry association of wine makers that also sees a 10-12% growth of the wine exports.


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Romania’s ’09 Wine Production Seen Up 13% On Yr

"Out of the 894,000 tons of grapes cultivated in 2008, we obtained 5.3 million hectoliters of wine. I hope we will be able to produce this year 6 million hectoliters of wine out of 900,000 tons of grapes," the organization’s CEO Petre Mocanu said Wednesday, after a press conference.
Mocanu said Romanians consume 5.3-5.4 million hectoliters of wine per year.
In 2008, Romania exported 180,000 hectoliters of wine, mainly to countries as Sweden, Finland, Norway, Japan, USA and Russia, he said.
"In 2009, we estimate the exports of wine will grow by 10-12%. Out target is to export over 200,000 hectoliters of wine," Mocanu added.
According to him, the largest Romanian wine exporter is Halewood company, followed by Domeniile Recas in Transylvania area, Carl Reh Winery, Cotnari and Murfatlar.
Romania has 179,000 hectares of vineyard, out of which 90,000 hectares are cultivated with noble vines, according to ONIV.

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