Romania’s Govt Increases Foreign Affairs Min’s Budget To Organize Referendum Abroad

Romania’s Government supplemented the budget of the Foreign Affairs Ministry by 190,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2952) to cover costs for the organization and unfolding of the November 22 referendum to downsize the Parliament.


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Romania’s Govt Increases Foreign Affairs Min’s Budget To Organize Referendum Abroad

The money will be allotted from the budget reserve fund according to a decision approved by the Government Wednesday.

Of the total sum, RON40,000 will be for staff expenses, while RON150,000 will be used to purchase goods and services.

Late October, the budget of the Interior Ministry, which organizes and oversees the referendum in the country, was allotted a supplementary RON2.4 million from the budget reserve fund, while the National Statistics Institute received an additional RON3.6 million.

Romania holds a national referendum for a single-chamber Parliament with a maximum 300 lawmakers on November 22, at the same time with presidential elections.

The Government allotted in September over RON150 million for this year's presidential elections.

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