Romania’s Labor Ministry Grants RON115,000 Aid To Flood Victims’ Families

Romania’s Labor, Family and Social Protection Ministry handed out 115,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.3048) worth of aid to the families of those killed by the recent floods.


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Romania’s Labor Ministry Grants RON115,000 Aid To Flood Victims’ Families

Government Decision no. 613/30.06.2010 stipulates that the families of flood victims stand to receive RON5,000 each. The benefit was granted to 23 families countrywide, all of them having lost a relative to the recent floods which affected Romania.

During the past 24 hours, over 104 towns and villages in 14 counties countrywide saw heavy rains, which caused river water levels to rise and 7,762 people to be evacuated, representatives of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations said Friday.

Overall, the heavy rainfalls affected 3,903 individual farms, yards and gardens, 396 residences and 607 basements. The floods submerged over 12,300 hectares of farmland and 3,622 hectares of pastures and damaged 24 company buildings, 16 roads, over 500 bridges and 6,616 fountains.

Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday that the families of flood victims will receive Government aid worth RON5,000, during a visit to a severely flood-affected village in Suceava county, northeastern Romania.

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